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Mountain Bike

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Thursday 5 july 2018 - 11:03:11

mountain biking geekery/hacking


I read somewhere that geek types surprisingly tend to also be the outdoors / exercising types. This is in direct contrast to our white and pasty basement dwelling stereotype. Pretty sure the article was on Wired, which is a well read and respected publication. It's science. So, fellow non-pasty exercise geek types, how do you prefer to get your endorphine rush? Personally, I'm into mountain biking. True to the hacker norm, I bought something cheap and barely adequate and I'm in the process of steadily upgrading it to badass. Here's a run-down on my two-wheeled adventure machine: Starting point: Mongoose Theory - it's a craptastic bike that I bought on Amazon for $ 250, shipped. Very basic full suspension and front disc brakes. The forks had a whopping 50mm of travel, no adjustment, and the front caliper was not even assembled when I got it. My first ride out I split one of the gears on the rear cassette (cheapo stamped chinese steel), Mongoose replaced it for free. Two months later I kicked a stick up into the rear wings which swung around, ran through the chain, and snapped my deraillure, Mongoose also replaced that for free. The shoddy stock wheels have taken such a beating that they're no longer able to be straightened. This is all in 4 months of riding.

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