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Thursday 7 june 2018 - 07:49:29

Climbing + life insurance?


I have purchased a house and to go along with that we are looking into life insurance. My significant other is also my climbing partner. Discovery quoted us to a very reasonable amount for life and disability cover, but during the health checks etc we had obviously to declare that we are both climbers. They are almost doubled the monthly premium. We scored exceedingly well on the health stuff, so the only other factor was climbing. Now, I realize climbing is an inherently dangerous sport, but come on! We do not even Trad? (Yeah, they assess risk according to your style of climbing, at least they are informed) I'd hate to know how much they would jack up the price if we did play in the more adventurous end of the pool. How do people afford to climb and pay life insurance? Any advice or suggestions for not losing a giant chunk of money and still being insurer and able to climb? Am I just being unreasonable and this is normal?

Please help

I did not find the right solution from the Internet.


Thank you


expandir todo contraer todo 2 Respuestas Última respuesta Thursday 14 june 2018 - 09:06

Wednesday 13 june 2018 - 19:23
Do them separately: get life insurance declaring hobby as hiking.
People go on ultra-light aircraft and other higher risk sports without declaring these.
Then thru the Spanish Federation FEDME / UIAA get cover for climbing / rescue / accidents.

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Thursday 14 june 2018 - 09:06
As Cream told you before, do it separately.

Make a life insurance, and of course DON'T declare the climbing as your activity. They will cover you ALL the activities in your life (drive a car, go to work, daily activities...)

Then through the mountain federation, make your license for climbing. Here in Catalunya with your license in the mountain federation,  it's included an insurance. The cost it's really affordable, depending the activity. 

Just for your information:

Federation license class "D"  (one of the HIGH license) covering:

Nordik walking
High mountain (up to 7000 m.)
Mountain Bike
Sky in all terrains (nordik, mountain, telemark...)
COVERAGE ALL THE WORLD less polar zones and mountaines +7000 m.
152,50 EUR

The coverage it's the following:

Dead: 20.000 eur
invalidity: 35.000 eur
and several coverages ( rescue, medical costes, repatriation...)

I don't know where are you from, but ALL countries has his own federation, with similar services...

Hoping that this information will be useful for you...


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