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Thursday 7 june 2018 - 08:01:38

Cairngorm Mountain for kid


I’m looking to take my two wee boys (11 & 9yrs) away for an overnight stay in Aviemore. Thing is, they’re DESPERATE to get in some sledging. They haven’t had the chance to do this since they were both toddlers. I've contacted Cairngorm Mountain asking if they have areas where kids can shoot down a wee bit of hillside without paying a fortune. I stressed we weren’t looking to snowboard – just bring our own sledges. However, all I got was the following mega-unhelpful response: “Unfortunately we don’t allow sledges up on our lifts here at Cairngorm Mountain. I believe that some of the other resorts such as Glencoe do but you would need to check with them if it is available at the current moment in time.” Can anybody shed light on this please? Is there a safe sledging area at Cairngorm where I can take my kids?

Please help

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

3D Product Animation Agency

Thank you

Editado: 07-06-2018



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